B2B Digital Communications
Master interactive Digital Communication to boost Your Image and Market Success!
Interactive digital communication, social media as strategic part of brand communication, interaction with target groups, communities and dialogue groups, online public relations or reputation management – the Digital Consulting Experts have developed special best practices and know all about how to implement the new digital opportunities to reach sustained market success.
Furthermore, we assist companies with Internal Relations and stakeholder communication by using digital communication platforms like internal chats, knowledge wikis, project blogs and collaboration platforms.
Trust in digital communications from the Digital Consulting Experts:
- best practices for digital communications to increase awareness and strengthen your company’s image
- content marketing with quality content
- online public relations
- social media communications
- SEO editorial work
- business networks
- community building
- reputation management
Social Media Communications: Increase your Visibility and Improve your Image
The public world of internet has a deep impact on corporate communications. Social media communications means building-up the corporate image interactively. Those who are interested in your company, prospects, satisfied or dissatisfied customers, blogger, influencer, all these people are forming their opinion about your company, spread their comments in the public web, communicate among each other – and can create a wave of enthusiasm or of protest without approval of your company or even without getting aware of it. The opinion can be correct or not. It has its own 24/7 life without your input or involvement. You are forced to trail behind them, to convince them and covert them to customers or followers. You see, the time is NOW to show presence and to become active in social media communication. The Digital Consulting Experts team enables you to not only avoid waves of protest, but to proactively build up the best possible image and waves of enthusiasm, conviction and sympathy in close communication with your dialogue groups in the web. Each individual who is active in the web and spreading his opinion about your company is part of your target groups. Jointly we build up the highest awareness and the best image you’ve ever had based on credibility, authenticity and clear, competent, targeted quality content about your complex technologies, products and company topics.
Leverage social media communications as part of your social media strategy and achieve the highest awareness and the best possible corporate image you have ever had!
The Digital Consulting Experts team provides long term international experience in increasing awareness and improving the image of companies significantly and sustainably. As part of the digital communications strategy we develop social media communication campaigns, which hit the mark. We know all about online press releases and online expert articles which reach a broad audience in the web, because our created texts describe even very complex topics clearly and understandable. We are at the pulse of your markets and know exactly, how to create content to reach your target groups. We position your company’s representatives as opinion leaders in your markets and strengthen your corporate image. We know the most important social networks, internet platforms, blogs, forums, communities and press portals and assist you in setting-up a corporate profile as well as supporting you with reputation, crisis and issue management. For an efficient internal communication we build up new ways of future-oriented teamwork, workflows and knowledge management.
- We improve your search engine results and your ranking (SEO, SEM/SEA)
- We strengthen your corporate image (quality content, reputation management)
- We implement new communication channels (press portals, blogs, wikis, forums, communities, networks)
- We train your staff in social media communications
- We implement new internal communications channels for an efficient, cross-functional knowledge management
- In close cooperation with you, we develop social media guidelines and define roles and processes for an efficient and successful social media communication
- We take care of a social media monitoring with qualitative reports on a regular basis to keep you up-to-date with all campaigns at any time
Social media communications – for experts only, like you and us!
Until today you achieved a good awareness and corporate image. With social media communications you can boost both, awareness and image. But be aware of the risks, as mistakes in communications can lead to a wave of protest, which can hardly be mastered. This is, why you should start social media communications with experienced experts right from the beginning. Don’t trust in “self-proclaimed experts” without any experience or proven success tracks. They can damage your corporate image, which you have built-up over many years in short time and lasting.