Change Management
The “Learning Organization” as Everyday Reality
The introduction of digital technologies is only one aspect of digital transformation. Business processes are optimized, the employees’ roles and tasks change, collaboration becomes increasingly cross-divisional, team-oriented, dynamic, and fluid. Rigid structures are broken up, and become smart and flexible. New skills and abilities are in demand. The digital transformation constitutes a company-wide change process for every company, in which continuous change and the “learning organization” will become an everyday reality.
Over the past 15 years, the Digital Consulting Experts have carried out an entire range of company-wide transformation processes in the form of change management, and have assumed both advisory and managerial roles. The catalysts for doing so included e.g. fusions, strategic re-alignment, and the introduction of new business models due to competitive pressure or technological innovations. In these cases, the change processes ranged from the development of new tasks and roles (organisational development), internal, cross-hierarchical cultural change programs (personnel development and internal communications) and strategic re-alignment (market analyses, feasibility analyses, external communications, marketing), to the support and development of entirely new business models (business development), including disruptive processes, which replace the conventional business model step by step.
Change management in a smart way
The Digital Consulting Experts are aware of the challenges, opportunities and risks of change processes from their own first-hand experience, and will help you to “sweep along” and motivate your colleagues and employees to join you on the path towards a digital future from the very beginning. We possess broad experience in company-wide change management (e.g. EADS, Deutsche Bahn, Daimler), and have not only been members of multiple task forces, but also managed major change processes for leading conglomerates. Furthermore, from the very beginning, we became acquainted with all change techniques from one of the leading human resources developer in Europe, which established constant company-wide change management in the form of “the company as a learning organisation”, and have applied these techniques successfully on many occasions.